среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

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That nickname she gave me all those years ago is a bit of an ironic misnomer. Iapos;ve been more Antony than anyone else from that famous play, even though I am oft perceived differently. Passionate, loyal, honest... Integrity is very important to me. I try to be honest even when it is uncomfortable to do so. I try to help even if I know my help will go unwanted. I say what I mean and I say what I think even if it is considered too harsh. It makes me easy to disagree with and easy to dislike. It has gotten me labeled many things: troublemaker, bitch, idealist, amongst others. Despite how isolating this trait can be at times, I donapos;t believe I ever could want to change this about myself. I have to follow my code as much as I can. I may falter at times, but I would rather make myself proud than to be liked or appreciated by others. Because in the end, friends, family, and loved ones come and go, but I always have myself to face. And there is only so many tomorrows that I will have to fix my mistakes and work to make up for my regrets. So I should keep that list as short as possible by living by what I think is right now.

Dislike... Thatapos;s a frustration at times though. I donapos;t want to piss people off, but I wonapos;t compromise myself to make them content. Their contentment is ultimately not my concern. I donapos;t want to be everybodyapos;s cup of tea... I donapos;t want to be filtered and flavorless... Blanded and sweetened for the masses. I am someone to be proud of, even with my rough edges and complications to my character. I couldnapos;t care less if you donapos;t take me as I am for that. You are not the yardstick for my existance. I will not say what is nice to spare you what is true. At best, I may say nothing at all, but even that drains me. I much prefer to be direct regardless of the social consequences.

catshark, ao blog inurl leave reply site, ao blog comment inurl recent site, ao bin kan, ao bem clube vindo.