пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

dominion stores in canada

i love to craft....craft anything

i am no expert, rather i am a beginner who loves to make all different things, but nothing is complicated.

i knit, but only the basic stitches, i bead, but simple stuff, and so on and so forth

Would love to learn more complicated things, but have no one to teach
Me and written directions are so impossible for me to follow. I don't
Know if it is the dyslexia that makes it so, but unless i can watch
Someone do it or have them explain it to me as i do it, then i cannot
Learn it no matter how hard i try.

i am currently working on an
Apron i am embroidering for a friend. I am using some of the patterns
From sublime stitching (which i sell at my etsy/website
Http://www.creativemuffin.com) on a basic black three pocket apron.
Niki from Bar 46 (http://www.bar46nj.com) asked me to make her one for
The days she wants to wear dresses or skirts and still have her bottle
Opener on her.

i have roller skates and a unicorn, i will be
Free handing a rainbow above the unicorn and metallic stars around the
Roller skates. The middle pocket will have the bar 46 logo on it and i
Just hope she likes it.

so while i am not the most experienced
Crafter, or skilled, i do make all different things and sell them on my
Site. I love making the mr. T chocolcate lollipops and stitch markers
Are fun

ok, so as a crafter whore, i love going to the bust
Craftacular every year...the most amazing items and dj's and open bar
And....well just too much to try and list, you just have to go and
Experience it
Anyway, i decided to try and apply for it. I paid my ten dollars and
If, huge IF, i make it in, it is 240 additional for a 8' x 30" table
And two chairs to vend...

i do not expect to get in at all, but
Still it is a nice idea and if i did, i would probably pass out. I
Submitted stitch markers and mr t chocolate lollies as samples of only
Some of the stuff i sell, so we shall see....

on to other things now........

Is my mother's birthday. She is currently at the hospital as my father
Needs a pacemaker and a defribulator and my dad was refusing it earlier
(he has been exhasuted from not sleeping and half out of his mind
Because he slips in and out all day long, about 1 min awake, 1 min
Sleeping). She and my brother will be there today, everyone else will
Stay away in an effort to let him get as much rest as possible. The
Procude he is in now is about 2 hours and i am just about at my wits
Frayed ends....

i am trying to keep very busy to keep my mind off
Of it, but it is hard, so i am going to go and rescrub the sink or

definition statutory law, dominion stores in canada, dominion stores in newfoundland.

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