четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

cork airport arrivals

Sorry to dominate peopleapos;s friends pages with my massive amounts of updating over the past 24 hours.

List format of� job related goals:
1. Apply to various paraprofessional special eduacation jobs
My interview at the Brookline school went well� unfourtunately� I did not hear back from them so I� am assuming the positon was filled already. Other school districts Iapos;ve applied to are� Mont Vernon, Amherst (position has been filled)� Bedford and Nashua. Yesterday� I� observed my cousin� Krystaapos;s class room and judging from the experience I had there� I� think I will very much enjoy bein a parprofessional
2. Apply at the� Boys anfd Girls Club in Milford for an afer school counselor postion
Status:� Have not heard back from them yet. Must call in the next couple days to see if the positions there have been filled
3. Fill out applications for other various locations
Status: I�have yet to fill out applications for the� Milford� Library, Dollar �Tree and Toadstool Bookshop
4.� Get my�� foot in the door doing work for a local newpaper.
Stauts:� I�emailed the new editor of the� Milford Cabinet to see if they were� hiring. Unfourtunatley they are not hiring full time positions but he offered me a freelance job which I have to set up a meeting with him� in the next couple weeks to discuss with him furthur.� i� I get this job� I will probably� be covering local theatre productions and/or Souhegan sports teams
5. Get my� foot in the door at a local community theatre doing publicity work so that� way I� can beef up my resume for when� I move to Portsmouth within the next year
Status:� This goal has a� a two part update. First off� I�emailed the person� who is the director of my townapos;s PTA�production of Peter� Pan which is in April.� I�will be doing props and publicity work for them starting in January.� Secondly� I contacted the people at the� Peacock Players to see if� I couild� do publicity work for them and they got back to me saying they wanted to discuss things with me furthur so� I am wicked excited for that. Things will come full circle for me if� I get a job with them because I� did� two summers of American Stage Festival Theate Camp when�� I�was in high school and have� been a fan of� Peacock Players shows for many years. SO�YAY

and�� I am also quite nervous about my test on my danbury mint material at work tomorrow. I hope� I pass it. I am anxious to get back on the phones.
cork airport arrivals, cork airport, cork accommodations, cork accommodation ireland.

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