пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

dog stores vancouver

Well, the car is in for MAJOR repairs Itapos;s going to cost anywhere from $600-$1,200 to repair. It seems my coolant has been apos;disappearingapos; into my motor oil. I either have a blown head gasket or I have a crack in the engine block. And itapos;s going to take 4-5 days to repair. I HAVE to get it repaired otherwise I will have nothing to trade in on another car AND I will have nothing to get back and forth to work in until I find another car. I would love to be able to make it to income tax time but..... I just dunno. That would help me get some of my moneyapos;s worth out of the repair expense at least.

The mechanic who gave me a ride home has a KIa 0ptima and he said his daughter has a KIa Spectra. He swears by those cars and he said his gets 38 mpg That alone would cut my monthly gas bill in half which would almost equate to the car note based on the present gas prices. He said his daughter gets 40 mpg in hers.

I am SO depressed I canapos;t afford all this but even more than that, I LOVE my little car. Itapos;s been so good to me and drives like a little spitfire she-devil I...REALLY...love...my...little...car

We always say (quite honestly) we canapos;t possibly afford something but then it works out to where we can and do because we have to and life still goes on. We make room for the extra expense. Of course, the economy hasnapos;t been this bad before but then I think, people in the depression did it with a whole heck of a lot less than we can even begin to imagine.

I called Ed out at the lake and told him I could make it and why. He started asking me a bunch of questions, which is NOT the thing to do when Iapos;ve just been punched in the financial gut, and at that point, I had to try really, really hard not to start crying. I guess he then realized how upset I was and he said weapos;d talk about it later.

About an hour later he called me and said he was at the crossroads in Albemarle on his way to my house. By the time he got here, Iapos;d sorta calmed down and become resigned to it but he came in bearing a bouquet of half a dozen roses. I thought that was so sweet. As he packed up and left the lake without even taking the time to eat, I fixed him a couple of ham and cheese sandwiches. He helped do a chore in the garden then he went on home, telling me to call if I needed anything. They said my car wouldnapos;t be ready until Monday or Tuesday. So, here I sit..... Nearest bus stop is a mile away.

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