четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

componentes de la pc

Iapos;ve been training for about 2 years now in the Yoshokai style (an offshoot of Yoshinkai). Last night I tested for 6th Kyu.

Some background: I train in the same city as the main dojo of Yoshokai. Iapos;d train at the main dojo, but itapos;s prohibitively expensive at this point in my life. Anyway, I recently switched from one dojo to another (again, purely due to financial reasons--Iapos;m a broke-ass grad student). My new dojo doesnapos;t have its own testing (although my old one did); all testing occurs at the main dojo, where the founder (Kushida-sensei--a former student of Gozo Shioda-sensei) proctors the exams. At my old dojo, I knew everyone, and my Sensei was proctoring. The dojo was rather small, too.

Talk about intense I was so nervous that I was making my partner nervous. When I noticed my back leg was shaking, I took a deep breath and kept going. I have no clue how my form was, or even if I did the correct techniques. It went by so fast. Kushida-sensei is of course very formal and stern during the test, but the best part is when you finish. He looks you in the eye, gives you a big smile, and starts clapping. That was amazing.

Then the Shidobu (blackbelts) had a demonstration of hand techniques (basic and related advanced techniques) and buki techniques (primarily jo, but also bokken and tanto). It was amazing I had no idea humans could move so fast without someone losing an eye. Watching the shidobu as well as the upper level (Kyu) techniques gave me so much to look forward to. I canapos;t wait to keep training
componentes de la pc, componentes de la salud, componentes de la sangre, componentes de la tarjeta madre.

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