четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

cold coughed

Isnapos;t this sad that my husband is gone for only 4 days and i miss him terribly?

why do i attach myself to people like that. Nothing in this life is permanent, you should only trust yourself, right?

our relationship is very weird: i miss him when heapos;s not around, but we fight when we spend too much time together. What the hell is that?

only 3 more days and then heapos;ll be home.

(the plan was to have danny stay with my in-laws for a couple of days while my husband is gone, but he was glued to the window waiting for me to get back, crying "whereapos;s my mommy?" so i had to get him. And he threw a tantrum the minute we got home. Same thing.)
cold coughed, cold coughing, cold coughing blood, cold coughing up blood.

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